Notre Promesse

Lac Taureau, Canada [2019]

Lac Taureau, Canada [2019]

We, Saisons, Pledge to be a part of a people’s movement that calls for the aspirations of climate actions. 

We commit by making consistent efforts to raise awareness on climate by working with environmentally sustainable causes. 

We will strive to change positively the outcomes of the music industry while making green actions that'll remain economically viable.

We will use the opportunity that we witness to support the movement politically and publicly through any means possible, such as

  • Green festivals
  • Social media campaigns
  • "Clean it up" events
  • Partnerships with eco-conscious start ups
  • Go on charity events & conferences

We’d like to conquer people’s minds and stimulate them to improve their behaviours towards clean environmental practices.

Taking good care of our planet is the core of our DNA. Music is hour hub to connect with people, to share experiences, to communicate, start a dialogue & in that respect, to reconnect with nature. We believe that by using this synergy, we could hold a positive impact on our pale blue dot, fragile and exhausted. In short term, we intend to find solutions regarding the crisis, bring people to get involved in this vision.

Altogether and by adhering to those environmental engagements, we can help our world improving our aim. 

Working together to use the power of music to amplify our community role in protecting the planet’s future.


Goa, India [2018]

Goa, India [2018]